Online Marketing DiagramIs your business online? Or, more importantly, can your customers find you online?

When you consider online marketing for your business the options are overwhelming. You may already have a website… maybe not. Are you actively posting content to social media? Do you spend money with online advertising? Are your customers taking about you online, or do you even know if they are? How do you your marketing efforts compare to your competitor’s?

Most small to mid-size businesses struggle to create an online presence and do it successfully. Business owners are routinely challenged by the lack of staff to handle the marketing function, finding time to devote to marketing efforts, determining how to budget for the expense, or simply not being confident in what they have decided to do with any digital marketing.

Is this the year your digital marketing comes together?

Will 2022 be the year you sort out the “marketing maze” and put together a plan of attack that leads to greater success? Your first realization needs to be that the marketing landscape is constantly evolving.

As we have experienced in the last couple years, more and more businesses, their employees, and customers have discovered new methods for work, promotion, and shopping online. The notion of working from home, shopping online, and searching for information using the digital landscape has become common place as we seek to find new ways to solve problems and connect with coworkers or customers.

Ask yourself.

How much of your Christmas shopping did you handle online? When you last travelled, did you hail a cab or call for an Uber or Lyft driver? When you needed to find an item for purchase, did you ask someone or simply Google it? Was your last reservation for dining or hotel done with a phone call of did you not hesitate to go online?

An estimated 85% of consumers search online for business information. Are you readily accessible for them? Can they find the information they need? And did you know that 94% of smartphone users search for business information on their mobile device? Will they find you there and how will you look in that format?

Business owners face a daunting task when they try to determine where they should put their online marketing emphasis. Should they focus on a website? Search engine optimization? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, YouTube, or what have you? What about online advertising?

Sadly, many businesses flounder while trying to decide where to direct their resources and some take a very specific approach to what “pieces” they plan to use. And, many times, they are spending money like they are part of a “grand experiment.”

There are very deliberate methods you can use to achieve your desired results online.

Yes, the website is needed, and you need to finesse the search engine optimization capabilities for your site. You also need to have a presence on social medial platforms and a way to track customer responses, questions, and comments. Your Google My Business page needs to be in place and complete to gain the best benefit for people searching for your business. What about ratings for your business? Is that in place and are you asking customers to post a rating to help boost your chances of being discovered by new customers?

Finding solutions to these marketing needs is why Oswald & Others was created. Drawing on over 30 years’ experience in marketing and partnering with countless service providers discovered and vetted over that same time, Oswald & Others can lend a hand as you sort through your online or more traditional marketing options to carry your business forward.

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or if you’ve been in business for decades and already have marketing initiatives underway. Oswald & Others can help you review where you are with your marketing efforts and let you know what path would be best to ensure your future success.

Find out where you stand with your online marketing efforts.

The best way to see where you stand is to take advantage of the award winning, no obligation, digital marketing assessment provided by Oswald & Others. We can produce the assessment report and review it with you at no cost. This in-depth report will review your online presence and grade your efforts with your website, SEO, social media, online business listings, and customer relationship management. This Snapshot Report can provide you with a stark, independent assessment of where you stand right now with your marketing.

Then you can confidently move ahead with your marketing efforts and enjoy greater success.

Learn more about Oswald & Others and request your complimentary Marketing Snapshot Report at

Peter Oswald
Pete Oswald

Peter Oswald is the Owner/Founder of Oswald & Others, Creative Marketing Group. His 30+ years of marketing experience in a variety of businesses and non-profit organizations, along with contacts made with service providers over the years, offers a wealth of advice, strategic planning, software tools, and success for small and mid-size businesses. Oswald can be reached at [email protected].